
  1. To receive and enjoy a quality education that allows them to acquire professional competencies in the selected field of studies.
  2. To request and receive information about the vision, mission, goals, objectives and accreditations of the institution, its academic programs, its services, credentials of its faculty, and the physical installations available to facilitate the teaching process.
  3. Request and receive information on financial aid available, the costs and reimbursement policies that apply when dropping courses, as well as all information relating to their rights and responsibilities in the financial area.
  4. Enjoy access to all physical installations for student use, as provided in their standards of use.
  5. Request such services as facilitate reasonable accommodation due to an impediment or special condition.
  6. Participate in activities developed by the institution in order to promote personal and professional development.
  7. Receive from each professor an orientation about the progress and academic program, clearing up any doubts inherent to the courses.
  8. Receive from the faculty, both writing and oral, adequate orientation on the purposes and objectives of each course, topics of study, reading assignments, texts, work required, and necessary teaching materials at the start of each session or class semester. Also, the evaluation criteria to be utilized, together with other aspects directly related to the development and successful completion of the course.
  9. Know, within a reasonable period of time consonant with the dates for dropping courses, the grading of exams, work, and other evaluations, as well as goals achieved in the development of areas they need to develop.
  10. Express in an orderly fashion opinions, beliefs, doubts, and differences of opinion, and present petitions, claims and recommendations through the established mechanisms. (See Complaint Procedures)
  11. Trust that their academic files are maintained in compliance with applicable regulations, specifically the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
  12. Request information as to application of the Federal Department of Education’s Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act.


  1. Know the policies, norms, regulations, and provisions of the institution, as described in its official documents.
  2. Maintain proper conduct of respect and consideration for the rights of fellow students, as well as of the university community at large.
  3. Attend classes within the established schedule and the program of studies, and meet all academic work duties.
  4. Inform and justify tardiness or absences at class, being aware that they are responsible for material assigned or worked during such times
  5. Comply with established institutional norms on aspects of security, code of professional conduct, and others that may apply to the program of studies.
  6. Observe all regulations or norms included in circular letters or memoranda, officially established by the institution.
  7. Comply with all financial commitments incurred with the institution.
  8. Confidentially inform of any unlawful action occurring within the institutional premises.